Hi all,

I took a break from setting up my Qubes OS machine and now I'm looking to 
finish the job and actually settle in. I am familiar with the overall 
layout and functions of the OS as a whole, but want to shore up the 
security of my individual VMs, with Debian running everything except for 
dom0. I know that isolation should do most of the work, but if further 
hardening my VMs will add more hurdles for attackers while being of minimal 
cost to me, why not?

For now, I plan on proper firewalling, activating apparmor, installing 
taskett-hardening, and reducing attack surfaces where possible.

Specific question: how would one strip down non-app VMs (sys-net, sys-USB, 
sys-firewall, whonix-gw) to minimize their attack surfaces? Aside from 
common-sense hardening and operation of app VMs, these seem to be the most 
exposed and therefore most vulnerable.

More generally: what steps have you taken to harden your VMs?

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