On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 03:33:57PM +0000, 'Totally Zoid' via qubes-users wrote:
The instructions for using Electrum split wallet on the Qubes website recommend installing electrum with dnf. However this gives electrum 3.3.4, which is not the most recent version, that is 3.3.8, available from electrum's website. Would it be safer to install the most recent version from the website?

For the "hot" side of the wallet you probably want the most recent version. For the "cold" / offline side it should not matter.

Also does anyone know if it's possible to have a split wallet with a bitcoin-core own node instead of relying on electrum?

Yes, see the howto using `electrs` or Electrum Personal Server:

Note that for real privacy you will need to use JoinMarket. I don't know if Qubenix takes donations but if so it's definitely worth supporting him for putting together such an epic HOWTO!

Another thing is that a lot of menu options in electrum lead to web addresses and these very frustratingly open in Firefox inside the electrum VM. Is there a way to force these links to open in a dispVM?

That should work the same as changing the default URL for any other application. I think that is already covered in the Qubes docs.

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