On 8/10/20 8:03 PM, Toptin wrote:
Jeff Kayser:
Hi, Toptin.

Glad to put a smile on your face!  Humor helps in difficult times, and COVID 
has certainly made things difficult.

Torvalds isn't my God; Jesus is.  However, in the area of Linux, few people are 
more of an expert than Linus Torvalds.  If he prefers Fedora, that’s a pretty 
good endorsement.

There is one other reason: containers are very important, especially for the 
cloud.  When I started learning about containers, one concern I had was 
security.  From a security standpoint, docker sucks.  To address the container 
security issue, one promising direction is podman.  It is a docker replacement, 
with a *much* better security architecture.  The latest podman is delivered in 
Fedora.  I figured that if I wanted to learn containers, I should use something 
secure, so I started with Fedora and podman.  My main Linux VM is Fedora 32.

I have also used Oracle Linux, Ubuntu, Raspbian, etc, so it's nothing personal 
with Fedora.  But, the container security issue pushed me over the edge towards 

That's a very good rationale, and makes sense. Although, I still have a
little problem with distributions like Fedora. Fedora is Redhat and
Redhat is IBM. So, in my world they can't be any trust in a company
especially such giants like IBM. I got branded with SuSe when they got
bought by Novel...

I would have thought that the best distribution for a project like
Qubes-OS would have been a fully independent community driven one. Like
Debian (I'm not a big fan, but if we talk stability and security; Debian
is a rock), or maybe something like Arch-Linux.

Debian community sponsored? Isn't Canonical the biggest sponsor? They're not small.

Has OmniosCE with the ZFS file system integrated along with a host of VERY cool features been considered as replacement? It should.

I have worked with ZFS on OmniosCE for a while and I can really see how Qubes can greatly benefit from it. With the way that Qubes has been designed dropping in ZFS can open up a world of possibilities in what we can do with our VMs, be that TemplateVMs or AppVMs.

Before I stumbled on to Qubes I had dreams of running my electronic life much like Qubes is designed today. I don't even mean the security it provides, just the plain freaking awesomeness of how quickly one can achieve certain things. Just something as simple as spinning up a new VM just to test something. ZFS can improve current functionality.

OmniosCE is under active development I have been a part of that community for a while. I can recommend it.

However I got your point.

Thanks for clarifying.

Regards, toptin.

~Jeff Kayser

-----Original Message-----
From: qubes-users@googlegroups.com <qubes-users@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 9:30 AM
To: qubes-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [qubes-users] Why Fedora?

This email originated from outside the organization

Jeff Kayser:
Here is one reason to use Fedora.


Ah, see... Mr Torvalds is your God. That isn't a reason at all. But thanks you 
put a smile on my face.

~Jeff Kayser

-----Original Message-----
From: qubes-users@googlegroups.com <qubes-users@googlegroups.com> On
Behalf Of Chris Laprise
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 9:18 AM
To: qubes-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [qubes-users] Why Fedora?

This email originated from outside the organization

On 8/10/20 12:05 PM, Toptin wrote:
Dear Qubes Users,

I'm currently digging my way through the exceptional good Qubes
documentation. Everything is nicely explained as to why a certain
decision / implementation was made, except for the use of Fedora as
main distribution.

I wonder what's the rationale of that decision; Fedora 25 isn't even
supported anymore. No offense or critic intended, just curiosity.

Regards, toptin.

IIRC the core Linux developer for Qubes stated that Fedora was simply what he 
was used to when starting the project.

Since then an issue has been open to replace Fedora in dom0 with something else.

Yep, that's more like it. Thought something like that.

Thanks both of you for your response.

Regards, toptin.

Chris Laprise, tas...@posteo.net
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