Andrew wrote:
>We're actually working on an announcement about this right now. Stay

I see you're very much on top of things. Looking forward to it!

On Tuesday, 18 August 2020 at 21:14:07 UTC+8 awokd wrote:

> I imagine China's policy requiring real ID to use the Internet has 
> Google salivating all over itself. 
> -- 
> - don't top post 
> Mailing list etiquette: 
> - trim quoted reply to only relevant portions 
> - when possible, copy and paste text instead of screenshots 

If only Google actually had access to that market. For that reason, I'm far 
more wary of Apple, since they seem eager to not offend the authorities so 
their lucrative market access there isn't jepoardized. 

Case in point: virtually all the major tech firms have suspended the 
processing of requests by the Hong Kong government, Google being the 
latest--even Microsoft. Apple is now the two trillion ton elephant in the 
room (question: would a two trillion ton object the size of an elephant 
collapse into a black hole?). Who knows what backdoor deals (pun completely 
intended) it has with the Chinese government?

But then maybe Google has other channels to purchase and make use of 
real-ID linked data from China. That, and Apple doesn't have a sprawling 
web presence.


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