On Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 12:04:49 PM UTC+2 John...@eclipso.email 

> Hello, 
> i'm new to qubes and i like the security aspect it provides. During 
> testing i noticed 2 problems i couldn't solve. 
> 1. The resume from suspend function doesn't work for me. The Computer 
> powers on again, but the screen stays black. Keyboard and mouse don't work 
> either. Using other linux distributions force me to use 
> acpi_sleep=old_ordering to make suspend work. Trying to boot qubes with 
> that kernel option @multiboot and @module in grub doesn't help. 
> 2. Having AppVMs with several hundred GB, e.g. 500GB in vault leaves the 
> system crippled and often completly unresponsive for 1-2 minutes. Some 
> kworkerd process in dom0 eats up 100% of a single core. This happens every 
> time, even when i boot up the AppVM in question and shut it down 
> immediately again. The more GB the AppVM uses the longer the shutdown 
> takes. Seeing the HDD Led flashing nonstop during the shutdown made me 
> curious about the snapshot feature. Unfortunately, setting the qvm-volume 
> revert snapshot config from 1 to 0 didnt help. Neither with existing AppVMs 
> nor with newly created AppVMs. 

if you have the time and maybe a spare SSD/HDD available you could try the 
pre-release version of Qubes 4.1. It solved several issues for me but of 
course it isn't bug free and I don't know if it is regarded as safe to use 
securely already. 

1. I had the same problem with each previous version until testing Qubes 
4.1 solved this problem. I haven't shut down the laptop for a few days now 
but always resumed from suspend and it "just works". You could also try the 
latest kernel in 4.0 when updating dom0 but I don't know if a kernel option 
or the latest kernel solved the problem in Qubes 4.1. My problem was, that 
with the latest kernel my ethernet didn't work anymore in 4.0.

2. If you should decide to try out the latest 4.1 iso you could also try 
out btrfs during partitioning. There is an automated install with btrfs as 
well. Again, I don't know if everything is working as it should (looking at 
journalctl gives a few error messages but I get these in 4.0 as well) and I 
don't have these huge AppVM (why would you need 500GB in a vault app?) but 
I did notice an improvement when shutting down VM apps. It is rather fast. 
There is some minor bug in the Qube Manager: I sometimes have to close & 
reopen because the app has closed already but the Manager thinks it's still 
open. It usually takes less than 20 seconds and I think the warning comes 
when it takes more than 20 seconds. 

The thing is, this might not have to do anything with brfs or ext4 or 
whatever but maybe with the lack of LVM. (?) I only know a few things about 
the differences between these file systems so I might be completely wrong. 
Maybe others could share their experiences.

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