On 12/17/20 2:32 PM, Stumpy wrote:
I havent played with crontab in forever, and I cant code at all, but I really wanted to try to automate my backups a wee bit.

I made a basic script (qubackup) in the ~/ dom0 directory:
/home/bob/qvm-backup --yes --verbose --compress --passphrase-file ~/PASSPHRASE_FILE.txt /run/media/bob/drobo/backups/ anon-whonix centos-7-minimal email chat work personal

and set crontab to run it every:
0 1 * * * /home/bob/qbackup

but it did not seem to work. I am able to run the script and the backup will run but when i try to do it via cron then nada?

Checked the syslog? Did you use "crontab -e" to setup the crontab?

The crond seems to be running and crontab -l shows the schedule I pasted above, Is there a reason this shouldn't work?

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