On 1/3/21 12:43 PM, haaber wrote:
Hello, I have a intriguing problem, partially qubes-related. I have a
"intruder" in my wifi network. I have no idea how to physically localise
that offensive antenna, but that is not a qubes subject (if you have any
ideas, they are welcome!). Of course I can just change the SSID and pwd,
but this is not the whole point:

When I portscan the offensive object using nmap (all ports are
filtered.) it counter-fires and kills off my mirage-firewall!  That is
fancy. The network structure is

sys-net - mirage-firewall -qubes-firewall - dispVM

and nmap runs in dispVM. I am quite surprised and willing to "play" a
bit with this enemy, but I would need some help. In particular: How can
I log packets while scannning? Is there a way to find out how/why the
mirage firewall (0.7) dies? That suggests a weakness which is relevant
to many of us!    Cheers,  Bernhard

Your firewalls might interfere with the nmap replies and thus everything is 
shown as filtered.

Also the above network setup looks weird (why two firewalls in a chain?).

Maybe nmap causes the mirage death. That wouldn't be a good job by mirage 
though and should be reported as bug to the dev.

Anyway I'd recommend doing nmap directly from sys-net or from a VM that is 
directly connected to sys-net.

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