Dear All,

In QubesOS R4.0, I have two monitors connected to form a large screen made 
up by two monitors side by side. I would like to achieve what does work in 
Debian, for example, that is a fullscreen window covering the entire screen 
(i. e., both monitors). This is particularly useful in rdp-seccions using 
freerdp. It can be achieved using:

xfreerdp /multimon

This leads to a freerdp connection across multiple monitors at leaset in 
Debian GNOME.

In QubesOS R4.0 it does work in principle. A window as wide as the set of 
monitors does get created. However, the fullscreen feature does not work. 
As soon as one clicks fullscreen, the window gets confined to one of the 
monitors. Of course, I did allow fullscreen as described here: And of corse, everything 
does work well with just one monitor connected. And yes, I do understand 
the security concept of normally not covering the entire screen but showng 
the window decorations including the VM color.

Is there a way to overcome that limitation? If "fullscreen" can be made to 
work across physical monitors in general, xfreerdp /multimon should work as 

Thank you very much!

Michael Schefczyk

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