I lost a somewhat important file from a software crash in an appvm.

However, '-cow.img' files contain no filesystem, but "binary patch"
data, thus can't be mounted or read directly or without their
corresponding'.img' files.

These are real disc-image files! There is a filesystem, but it is not in
sector 1 :) The trick is to mount it with an offset (see mount command).
To get the right offset, fdisk the file (it should have an old-style
MBR). If fdisk does not accept files (I forgot), try either cfdisk or
simple loop it in a device:

  losetup  /dev/loop42  imagefile.img
  fdisk -p /dev/loop42
  losetup -d /dev/loop42

This gives the starting sector of the partition, that is than handeld
over to mount as offset. And then you can grab data. Good luck!

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