I have several dom0 kernels installed (on a Dell XPS13) but only one works 

5.11.8-1.fc25.qubes.x86_64 -> boot loop
5.11.4-1.fc25.qubes.x86_64 -> boot loop
5.10.8-1.qubes.x86_64  -> kernel panic
5.4.107-1.fc25.qubes.x86_64 -> does not wake up after suspend
5.4.98-1.fc25.qubes.x86_64 -> does not wake up after suspend
5.4.88-1.qubes.x86_64 -> OK so far.

Updating the kernel would remove the working one.... 

Any idea what could be wrong? I use qubes-os since version 2 and never had 
that problem...

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