> > The two big issues in this report (aside for the need to modify the
> > config in
> > the install media, which is not obviously transposable to 4.1
> > snapshots) are
> > the lack of detection of TPM and SLAT.  Will be happy to help with
> > these.
> Another issue is that the default 5.4 kernel does not support VFIO on
> this hardware.

Is it useful to add this information to the HCL entry itself ?

>  So I installed kernel-latest, and that one just fails
> to boot: I successively get:
> - Xen startup logs
> - some Linux services starting, with "Failed to start Setup virtual
>   console" as first line of this screen, and a couple of lines until
>   "starting dracut initqueue hook" and "starting Show PLymouth boot
>   screen"
>   (order may vary)
> - after a couple of seconds, the laptop reboots
> EFI boot not providing a menu means booting from USB is the only way
> to
> recover from such an issue, right ?
> Alas, rescue mode breaks for me with
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/5609,
> whether I try to boot with 4.0.4 or with 4.1-20210422.
> What options do I have to recover ?

Answering to myself on this: using any rescue USB key to change the default
boot entry in partition 1 does the job, and we can then proceed with removal
of the kernel-latest package.

> Then, is there a way with qubes-dom0-update to get intermediate
> kernel versions to check when is started to break ?

Maybe there's a simpler way, but I could not list available versions using
dnf.  So I selected one from 

Then "qubes-dom0-update kernel-latest-5.10.8-1.qubes" does download the rpm
but fails claiming "No package kernel-latest-5.10.8-1.qubes available"
(looks like https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/4792) and I have
to finish installing it by running dnf on the rpm file.

It seems older kernel-latest versions are not even in the dnf index, and I had
to wget them and transfer them manually to dom0, which is quite an ordeal :)

Of older versions of kernel-latest, unfortunately only 5.4.10-1 will boot
(tested in a quick manual bisect: 5.5.7-1, 5.6.16-1, 5.10.8-1).  Older 5.5 and 
get stuck at one point (probably in a loop, as fans start spinning faster), and
5.10 has a same reboot loop similar to 5.11.

Bottom line seems to be "no vfio for now in 4.0".

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