On 6/6/21 2:12 PM, Chrome wrote:
Hello there all,

I am currently following the instructions to create an OSINT VM Michael Bazzell's "Open Source Intelligence Techniques 8th Edition."
Its a good book. I do wish he had a chapter for Qubes in it. I think the only reason Michael doesn't push Qubes as a platform is that it has a steep learning curve that not many are willing to take on. If you do Qubes anyway and the learning curve is Ok, then you will find Qubes to be a much more flexible platform in the long run.
Naturally I'm trying to avoid installing a whole new OS (Ubuntu is recommended by the author) or to have a dedicated laptop for this. I figured it would be a fun experiment to see how far I could get with Qubes before I ran into problems.

All the way I'm sure.

So far, issues are minor but when I hit a roadblock, like the below terminal text, I'm ill-prepared to troubleshoot it myself. Can someone help me understand what I'm looking at and how to fix it so I can install packages via pip onto my Fedora templateVM? Thank you

First templates do not have network access by default so you may need a proxy setup.


By default pip needs/wants to install directly into the system space (/usr/local/) which on a template is not shared with the AppVM. Because this directory is not even presented to an AppVM file system it wont be useable in the AppVM. It would need to be installed in the AppVM itself if you want it installed in /usr/local.

The problem is, security wise, its a bad idea to run foreign code (pip's package installer scripts) as root in a template. You could easily compromise every AppVM on the system by introducing malicious code. That is way pip was warning about running as root.

But if you use the "--user" flag as the error message says then pip can install the packages an AppVM with everything installed into the user's home directory. That way the user has control over the env and can choose which environment they want to use.

If you were wanting to have the ability to start from a pristine starting point for each user session then you might want to either to create a dvm or create a default AppVM which can be cloned as often as you like.

Relevant Terminal text:
[user@fedora-32 ~]$ sudo -H python3 -m pip install instalooter


$ sudo -H python3 -m pip install --user instalooter

The above will install in the users directory instead

WARNING: Running pip install with root privileges is generally not a good idea. Try `python3 -m pip install --user` instead.

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