
Just writing what I'm thinking (not Salt expert at all!), you are probably 
missing default value in the .get(): .get('kernelrelease', SOMETHING_DEFAULT)

Le 5/3/22 à 11:01, 'Johannes Graumann' via qubes-users a écrit :
I have the following `*.sls` in my `salt`setup:

{% if salt['pkg.version_cmp'](salt['grains'].get('kernelrealease'), '5.12') < 0 
move broken AX260 wifi blob out of the way:
     - name: /usr/lib/firmware/iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-ao.pnvm.xz.bak
     - source: /usr/lib/firmware/iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-ao.pnvm.xz
     - force: True
     - runas: root
{% endif %}

This is supposed to automate moving `linux` firmware out of the way that 
interferes with my wifi card's operation under certain non-cutting edge kernel 
versions (as present in `QubesOS`).

I can run this `*.sls`fine on `dom0` (where it doesn't make much sense, 
respectively the change isn't necessary), but if I target the templates (and 
particularly the one `sys-net` is based on), `salt` balks on the first line. 
There's a lot of traceback, but the most readable message appears to be along 
the lines of

`Jinja error: get() missing 1 required positional argument: 'default'`

Does anyone have any pointers as to what may be going on here, how to better debug 
(error output from `dom0`--> Email VM?) and how to fix?

Thanks in advance.



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