Hello Qubes Community,

Viktor Ransmayr schrieb am Montag, 30. Mai 2022 um 11:31:56 UTC+2:

> Viktor Ransmayr schrieb am Montag, 30. Mai 2022 um 10:37:56 UTC+2:
>> stevenlc...@gmail.com schrieb am Sonntag, 29. Mai 2022 um 20:45:29 UTC+2:
>>> On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 4:39 AM Viktor Ransmayr <viktor....@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> stevenlc...@gmail.com schrieb am Samstag, 28. Mai 2022 um 21:54:40 
>>>> UTC+2:
>>>>> Thanks for your quick reply!
>>>> However, when I try to list the available templates using the 
>>>> 'qvm-template' command, I get the same error message: 
>>>>     [vr@dom0 ~]$ qvm-template list
>>>>     [Qrexec] /bin/sh: /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.TemplateSearch: No such file 
>>>> or directory
>>>>     ERROR: qrexec call 'qubes.TemplateSearch' failed.
>>>>     [vr@dom0 ~]$ 
>>> I just checked my own system and ran a python3 trace on the command. The 
>>> file  /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.TemplateSearch should be on the sys-firewall 
>>> , assuming the default configuration. If you use a different OS or changed 
>>> your "Dom0 update qube" in the "Global Settings" for dom0 updates then that 
>>> update VM may not have this file installed. I would start by looking 
>>> there.  
>> I've not modified anything - and - the "Global Settings" look OK.
>> I tried to open a console in 'sys-firewall' - but - can't login :-(
>> I had expected that I could do so, using my credentials, i.e. user 'vr' 
>> plus my password ... 
> I tried to open a console in 'sys-firewall' - and - could not login.
> However, I (obviously) could open a terminal in 'sys-firewall' ...
> Here's the content of /etc/qubes-rpc/ :
> [user@sys-firewall ~]$ cd /etc/qubes-rpc/
> [user@sys-firewall qubes-rpc]$ ls
> qubes.Backup             qubes.PdfConvert        qubes.SuspendPostAll
> qubes.ConnectTCP         qubes.PostInstall       qubes.SuspendPre
> qubes.DetachPciDevice    qubes.ResizeDisk        qubes.SuspendPreAll
> qubes.Filecopy           qubes.Restore           qubes.USB
> qubes.GetAppmenus        qubes.SaltLinuxVM       qubes.USBAttach
> qubes.GetDate            qubes.SelectDirectory   qubes.USBDetach
> qubes.GetImageRGBA       qubes.SelectFile        qubes.UpdatesProxy
> qubes.Gpg                qubes.SetDateTime       qubes.VMRootShell
> qubes.GpgImportKey       qubes.SetMonitorLayout  qubes.VMShell
> qubes.InstallUpdatesGUI  qubes.ShowInTerminal    qubes.WaitForSession
> qubes.OpenInVM           qubes.StartApp
> qubes.OpenURL            qubes.SuspendPost
> [user@sys-firewall qubes-rpc]$ 

With Fedora 34 having reached EOL now, is there anything else I can do, 
other than a complete new installation of Qubes OS R4.1 ? 

With kind regards,


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