On Thu, 11 May 2023 15:20:17 -0700
Andrew David Wong <a...@qubes-os.org> wrote:

>Dear Qubes Community,
>The Fedora Project has 
> that Fedora 36 will reach EOL 
>([end-of-life](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_of_life)) on 2023-05-16. We 
>strongly recommend that all users 
>[upgrade](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/templates/fedora/#upgrading) their 
>Fedora templates and standalones to [Fedora 
>no later than 2023-05-16.
>We provide fresh Fedora 37 template packages through the official Qubes 
>repositories, which you can install in dom0 by following the standard 
>Alternatively, we also provide step-by-step instructions for [performing an 
>upgrade](https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/templates/fedora/in-place-upgrade/) of 
>an existing Fedora template. After upgrading your templates, please remember 
>to [switch all qubes that were using the old template to use the new 
>For a complete list of template releases that are supported for your specific 
>Qubes release, see our [supported template 
>Please note that no user action is required regarding the OS version in dom0. 
>For details, please see our [note on dom0 and 
>This announcement is also available on the Qubes website:

Wonderful warning.  Nothing like advance notice.  :/

Following the procedure here...


It kind of works, but there is an issue.

Trying to attach the cache space image gets the error that it is not "exposed" 
so I had to work around it.  Perhaps due to the fact that I don't use LVM on my 
machine...and the install put the bulk of the available storage in 
/var/lib/qubes, which is NOT exposed.  I don't wish to add the additional layer 
of LVM complication to an already encrypted system.

I have a 700gb image I used to contain a 600gb image where I collect files for 
archive purposes.  I mount the 700gb image in dom0 at a mount point in /mnt, 
and create the cache image in that space to attach to which ever Qube I desire. 
 After doing the losetup, I use the device menu to attach it to the Qube.  This 

Since I have modified the fedora-36 template to add claws-mail, gimp and 
dosbox-x (I use an old editor that requires it to be usable), it is best to 
upgrade in place after clone.  I have two fedora-36 templates...one with no 
modifications and one with the aforementioned software additions.  The 
unmodified one is used by sys-net, sys-firewall and such.

Qubes 4.1 with Xfce desktop, Lenovo w540.


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