I also tried an untouched version of debian 12 minimal with updates and only 
mplayer added from apt.
There was no mimeapps.list file in /usr/share/applications, /etc/xdg/, 
$HOME/.config or $HOME/.local/share/applications.
I tried xdg-mime default mplayer.desktop video/x-matroska as the non-root user.
Still didn't work. Maybe because there wasn't a mplayer.desktop file in 
/usr/share/applications like in fedora.
I copy over mplayer.desktop without a MimeType field from the original debian 
12 miminal media qube and move it to $HOME/.local/share/applications.
This gives the same error as the original media qube.
I add MimeType=video/x-matroska to the desktop file and re-run the xdg-mime 
I still get the same error.

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