PVM domUs have no direct access to hardware, so perhaps you won't be
able to undervolt your CPU in a domU. Running it in dom0 seems the only
option, however that is also the most dangerous one.

Ok, so dom0 is only way. I will think about risk of installing here.

Downloading arbitrary software from the web and running it in dom0 is
highly NOT recommended

It is available from pip install command so is not so arbitrary. And is only a short python script which you can read, is not very hard to examine. But again I will consider risk before putting into dom0.

> The software itself comes with a warning. So...
you have been warned.

The warning is only for protecting the hardware, not for warning against malicious software. i have been used the software before on same machine with Ubuntu for many months so it is safe with this hardware, this I am sure.

Thank you for giving me an answer, I can make progress on this now.

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