
Harlan Stenn wrote:
> Jan> I really hate being sent from left to right in search of
> Jan> documentation. This includes stub man pages pointing me at html or info
> Jan> pages. Ideally I'd want to be able to select the documentation format
> Jan> on a system I'm responsible for myself (i.e. as a policy decision on my
> Jan> end).
> What you describe is my goal.

I know and I thank you for it. My not-so-hidden agenda in writing the 
above message was to support you by showing that there is indeed demand 
for documentation on formats other than html, while ensuring consistency 
and an audit trail leading from the documentation in all formats to a 
single authoritative source.

> One obvious way progress toward this goal will be greatly improved will be
> for more people and institutions to join the NTP Forum.
> Please do what you can to get members to sign up for the forum - if you need
> more information to help make the decision please let me know.  And if you
> decide not to join, it would also help to let me know why.  Email is
> probably the best way to do these things.

I have indeed sent you email about this. Happy to help you on this issue 
as well.

Cheers, Jan

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