Hi there

 From the syslog;
Feb 24 15:24:05 sput ntpd[28039]: parse: convert_rawdcf: INCOMPLETE DATA 
- time code only has 3 bits
Feb 24 15:24:05 sput ntpd[28039]: PARSE receiver #0: interval for 
following error message class is at least 00:01:00
Feb 24 15:24:05 sput ntpd[28039]: PARSE receiver #0: FAILED TIMECODE: 
"--" (check receiver configuration / wiring) Feb 24 15:24:07 sput 
ntpd[28039]: parse: convert_rawdcf: INCOMPLETE DATA - time code only has 
2 bits
Feb 24 15:24:12 sput ntpd[28039]: parse: convert_rawdcf: INCOMPLETE DATA 
- time code only has 2 bits
Feb 24 15:24:18 sput ntpd[28039]: parse: convert_rawdcf: INCOMPLETE DATA 
- time code only has 6 bits

This goes on for hours.
Once this happes I can only fix things by restarting the NTPD.
Any ideas?


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