David Woolley <da...@ex.djwhome.demon.co.uk.invalid> wrote:
> j...@specsol.spam.sux.com wrote:
>> David Woolley <da...@ex.djwhome.demon.co.uk.invalid> wrote:
>>> j...@specsol.spam.sux.com wrote:
>>>> What about all the systems that don't use Olson?
>>> I'm only aware of one that doesn't require the system administrator to 
>>> manually configure for any zone that that doesn't match the (historic) 
>>> US rules, and that is the Windows NT family.
>> HP-UX to name just one mainstream OS doesn't use Olson.
> I'm not familiar with HP-UX, but SCO OpenServer doesn't, however SCO 
> OpenServer falls into my other category, than in which the rules for the 
> local timezone have to be entered by the system administrator.  Are you 
> saying that HP-UX has centrally distributed rule sets?

HP-UX uses tztab, which is a file format developed by HP.


While HP's system functions overall like most others, the data isn't

Jim Pennino

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