David Woolley <da...@ex.djwhome.demon.co.uk.invalid> wrote:

> > Yes, and fudge the stratum to 1, not 2.
> You mean zero, not 1,

You're right, 0, so that the server is seen as stratum 1 by the client.

> which might be the problem, i.e. either fudge 
> doesn't allow that, or the people who bolted NTP onto the time server 
> thought it didn't

The ntpd html documentation for the local clock explicitly states that
fudge stratum 0 should be used in the case of external discipline.
See  http://doc.ntp.org/4.2.4/drivers/driver1.html  and earlier versions,
though I see it has been removed from the current ntp-dev doc, which
however still lists 0 as a valid fudge value.

Ronan Flood <use...@umbral.org.uk>

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