In article <Xns9E95DA199C4695r68mtnbtdvsdr@>,
 Maarten Deen <zq...@kf4nyy.ay> writes:
>23 Feb 20:42:53 ntpd[27664]: time reset +2.421296 s
>23 Feb 20:52:05 ntpd[27664]: synchronized to, stratum 2
>23 Feb 20:58:31 ntpd[27664]: time reset +2.356457 s
>23 Feb 21:04:48 ntpd[27664]: synchronized to, stratum 2
>23 Feb 21:14:26 ntpd[27664]: time reset +2.400477 s
>This goes on and on and on. And regularly ntp stops having connection, 
>reach goes to 1 and builds up again. Never that it is a poll that's been 
>missed, it is always back to 1 as if ntpd has started itself up again.
>I'm using ntp 4.2.4p4 on a Ubuntu box. Linux kernel 2.6.24.
>What's wrong in this setup?

My guess is that the clock on your system is broken.  Are you
using some sort of power saving that is changing the CPU frequency?

Have you tried a different clocksource?
  (google for >linux clocksource<)

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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