On Fri, 29 Apr 2011 11:10:58 GMT, Cristian Seres wrote:
> Hi!
> I am looking for a solution to install an NTP server in a very 
> restricted network which can not be connected to other networks even 
> through a firewall because of strict security policy. RS232 and usb are 
> ok. Using GPS or DCF77 reference clocks would require a long antenna 
> wire to get signal. Installing the antenna cable would be expensive, but 
> there is good LAN cabling between a space with good GPS signal and the 
> room with high security.
> What kind of cheap solutions would you think of? For instance, is it 
> possible to feed time signal from one NTP server to another via 
> RS232/usb? Or is there an affordable usb/rs232 reference clock which has 
> an IP based separate antenna unit?

You could run PPP on RS232 to a computer with NTP daemon. But you have better
get the solution cleared with security!

If there is PDS cabling from "restricted area" to "space with good GPS"
you use that as connection between GPS receiver and NTP machine.

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