On 2/10/2012 11:18 AM, David J Taylor wrote:
"Uwe Klein" <u...@klein-habertwedt.de> wrote in message
windows runs on just one platform, badly.

In your view. It actually runs on at least three platforms today, and
likely four tomorrow, and it runs well enough for many users. For NTP
timekeeping can be at the sub-millisecond level, which may or may not
meet your requirements.

The BSDs run on a very wide range of architectures
currently only bested by Linux ( afaik )

FYI: "bested" is not English. "only Linux runs on more".

Sorry!  My dictionary says that you are wrong!

From "The American Heritage Dictionary", Second College Edition"
under the heading for "best" is listed "bested", "To get the better of"; "surpass"!

Those dictionaries are handy things to keep around!

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