On 3/5/2012 10:04 PM, Ron Frazier (NTP) wrote:
Hi all,

OK, I went and ordered the Sure GPS board, cables, box, hardware, etc. I
even bought a cheapie soldering station for $ 20. Other than the
mechanical setup which I can figure out and the patches which David
Taylor has documented, I need to know how to program the unit when it

Specifically, can someone tell me how to:

* change the baud rate
* change which sentences are output
* change the update interval
* enable waas, if that matters for timing
* set fixed location mode, if available
* restore nav mode
* do a warm restart
* do a cold restart
* do a reset to factory defaults
* save the settings to flash or backup memory so I don't lose them when
it's powered off
* if possible, output only the GPZDA sentence

* Any other magic you think I should know.

The manual seems to be missing most of these details. As always, any
help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

The fact that the manual is missing details could be explained in at least two ways:
1. You can't change the baud rate, select sentences, etc, etc.
2. The author of the manual thinks the "how to" is obvious!

Good luck.  I'm afraid the you will need it!

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