On 8/8/2012 6:56 AM, Arpith Nayak wrote:
I have a server that is in the orphan mode i.e. it was not connected to the
internet (and thus the various public NTP servers) when I booted it up. Now
if I install ntpd oin this server and run it, will the first instance of
ntpd cause a sudden change in the system time as well as timestamps or does
NTP cause a slow gradual change so that it syncs up with the public server
over a period of time?


If the clock is seriously in error NTPD will step the clock. If the clock is very close to being correct, NTPD will adjust the speed of the clock to make the change slowly. I don't recall how far off the clock must be before NTPD will step it. It might require as much as 10 hours
for NTPD to synchronize.  ISTR it takes a minimum of thirty minutes from
start up until it has a reasonable facsimile of the correct time. It could take another nine and a half hours to get the correct time AND a stable clock.

It should be obvious that NTPD needs to run 24x7 for best results

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