On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 13:29 UTC, Santi Saez <sa...@woop.es> wrote:
> After making some tests with different ntpd versions, I have found that
> "leap second" fields are only forwarded on 4.2.4, and it doesn't work after
> 4.2.6, still don't know the reason or if I need a special configuration.

I suspect the difference in leap bit propagation between 4.2.4 and
4.2.6 you observe is because 4.2.6 requires a majority of survivors
have the leap bit set to propagate, and because you are (likely
ill-advisedly) using the undisciplined local clock driver
(127.127.1.x) which never sets the leap bit.  Either remove the driver
or add remote sources to ensure the leap vote is won.

Dave Hart
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