On 5/10/2013 8:30 PM, unruh wrote:
On 2013-05-10, Rick Jones <rick.jon...@hp.com> wrote:
Richard B. Gilbert <rgilber...@comcast.net> wrote:
I think you may be out of luck on this one.  If you can run NTPD 24x7
you can have the correct time 24x7.  If you can't do this, NTPD is a
poor choice.  The problem is that NTPD needs something like ten hours to
select a time source and match the time!

NTPD is no speed daemon, and perhaps it is a subjective thing, or a
mis-interpreation on my part, but I notice NTPD declaring sync rather
sooner than 10 hours.  Rather sooner than one hour even (looking at
ntpq -p output).  Now, it may indeed take it a long time to get the
offset (term?) down to some acceptable level, but that depends on
one's definition of acceptable and the initial distance no?

Yes. The 10 hours is for achieving the ultimate accuracy of a few
microseconds offset. It has a halving time of a bit under an hour (lets
say 45 min) . Ie,
after 45 min, the size of the offsets is about 1/2 of what it
was before. Because of stepping it has an error of about 100ms to start
If you are happy with few millisecond precision, it will only take an hour
or two.

So if you start it out with the -g it will figure out is is way out
after a few seconds, and step. But the rate in general will still be
out, so it will rapidly drift away and ntpd will slowly bring the drift
into order.

Thus to get from hours out to hundreds of milliseconds out should occur
very quickly.

rick jones

NTPD is NOT designed for fast convergence. From start up to get the minutes correct, NTPD will need about thirty minutes! To get the best time you are going to get, you will need to wait for about ten hours!

If fast convergence is your goal, you can use a a program called
CHRONY to achieve it.

If your goal is to know the time +/- 50 nanoseconds You are expected to operate your clock twenty-four hours a day.

With a GPS Timing Receiver you can keep time +/- 50 nano-seconds. Relatively few people NEED time with that sort of accuracy. Many
who DO need that accuracy use NTP and a Global Positioning Satellite
to get the accuracy required.  A few of these people read this

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