On 12/06/2013 10:53 AM, Harlan Stenn wrote:
> mike cook writes:
>>> If you know the drift file is unreliable, you should delete it.  ntpd
>>> will then perform a frequency calibration before entering the main
>>> loop. ...
>> This is what has been recommended for ages but it doesn't completely
>> fix the issue. It still takes a long time to settle. Here are the
>> results of a test I did using the same system and ntp config as in my
>> previous reply wit h the unrepresentative drift file data.
> An "unrepresentative drift file" is not a "deleted drift file".
I filed a bug to address this. If the drift file is obviously nuts,
ignore it for speed-up and just work as it was not there, that is, do
normal frequency lock-in.

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