
On 23/03/14 23:20, Joe Gwinn wrote:

In article <>, Magnus Danielson
<> wrote:


On 21/03/14 17:04, Joe Gwinn wrote:

It is interesting.  I've now read it reasonably closely.

The basic approach is to express each packet flight in a one-line
equation (a row) in a linear-system matrix equation, where the system
matrix (the A in the traditional y=Ax+b formulation, where b is zero in
the absence of noise), where A is 4 columns wide by a variable number
of rows long (one row to a packet flight), and show that one column of
A can always be computed from the two other columns that describe who
is added and subtracted from who.  In other words, these three columns
are linearly dependent on one another.  The forth column contains
measured data.

This dependency means that A is always rank-deficient no matter how
many packets (including infinity) and no matter the order, so the
linear system cannot be solved.

It is just another formulation of the same equations I provided.
For each added link, one unknown and one measure is added.
For each added node, one unknown is added.

True, but there is more.

Let's come back to that.

As you do more measures, you will add information about variations the
delays and time-differences between the nodes, but you will not disclose
the basic offsets.

Also true.  The advantage of the matrix formulation is that one can
then appeal to the vast body of knowledge about matrixes and linear
systems.  It's not that one cannot prove it without the matrixes, it's
that the proof is immediate with them - less work.

And the issue was to prove that no such system could work.

As much as I like matrix formulation, it ain't giving you much more in this case, rather than a handy notation. The trouble is that beyond the properties of the noise, there is no information leakage about the static time-errors and asymmetries. You end up having free variables.

The problem is that the unknown and the relationships builds up in an uneven rate, and the observations only relate to two unknowns. The only trustworthy fact we get is the sum of the delays, but no real hint about it's distribution. If you do more observations along the same paths, you can do some statistics, but you won't get un-biased result without adding a prior knowledge one way or another. Formulate it as you wish, but as you add more observations, those will be reduced to by their linear properties to equations existing and noise. You need to add observations which does not fully reduce in order for your equation system to grow to such size that you can solve it. Show me how you achieve it, and I listen.

The "no matter the order" part comes from the property of linear
systems that permuting the rows and/or columns has no effect, so long
as one is self-consistent.

So far, I have not come up with a refutation of this approach.  Nor
have the automatic control folk - this proof was first published in
2004 into a community that knows their linear systems, and one would
think that someone would have published a critique by now.

The key mathematical issue is if there are message exchange patterns
that cannot be described by a matrix of the assumed pattern.  If not,
the proof is complete.  If yes, more work is required.  So far, I have
not come up with a counter-example.  It takes only one to refute the

It is only "by cheating" that you can overcome the limits of the system.

Is GPS cheating?  That's our usual answer, but GPS isn't always
available or possible.

If you are trying to solve it within a network it is. You can convert your additional GPS observation into an a prior knowledge, and once you done enough of those, then you can solve it completely. The estimated variables better stay static thought, or you have to start over again.

Although, if one goes to the trouble to make a NIC PTP-capable, it
wouldn't be so hard to have it recognize and timestamp passing NTP
packets.  The hard part would be figuring out how to transfer this
timestamp data from collection in the NIC to point of use in the NTP
daemon, and standardizing the answer.

The Linux-kernel has such support. NTPD has already some support for
such NICs included.

All true.  But I'm reluctant to recommend a solution that lacks a
common standard and/or has fewer than three credible vendors supporting
that standard.  I have no doubt that these things will come to pass,
but we are not there just yet.



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