On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 4:04 PM, E-Mail Sent to this address will be added
to the BlackLists <Null@blacklist.anitech-systems.invalid> wrote:

>   prefer the PPS,

The point was that you can't prefer the PPS driver.

"While this driver can discipline the time and frequency relative to the
PPS source, it cannot number the seconds. For this purpose an auxiliary
source is required, ordinarily a radio clock operated as a primary
reference (stratum 1) source; however, another NTP time server can be used
as well. For this purpose, the auxiliary source should be specified as the
prefer peer"

The local clock appears to be suffcient given a correct configuration and
time/date bootstrap. Assuming the local clock driver doesn't change (and
isn't dropped since it's deprecated).
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