On 2014-12-04, Brian Utterback <brian.utterb...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 12/4/2014 12:36 PM, William Unruh wrote:
>> On 2014-12-04, brian utterback <brian.utterb...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>> On 12/3/2014 5:33 PM, William Unruh wrote:
>>>> On 2014-12-03, Jan Ceuleers <jan.ceule...@computer.org> wrote:
>>>>> On 12/03/2014 02:58 PM, Brian Utterback wrote:
>>>>>> I still think that it takes four to
>>>>>> guarantee a majority but I don't have proof of that. Someday I will
>>>>>> spend some time to either prove or disprove it, but alas, time is
>>>>>> something I don't generally have extra to spend. But you are better off
>>>>>> with one than two from an operational standpoint.
>>>>> It takes three servers *at all times* to enable clients to use majority
>>>>> voting. So if you want to guard against a single failure (i.e. not a
>>>>> single falseticker, a single server that goes offline), then you need 
>>>>> four.
>>>> Offline IS a false ticker. And no, you need three. In fact to gaurd
>>>> against offline, you only need two. Guarding against falseticking is
>>>> harder than guarding against offline. Just as it is harder to guard
>>>> against a liar than a dead man.
>>> I remain unconvinced. I believe that it takes three correct servers to
>>> outvote a single falseticker, meaning that if you want to be safe
>>> against one of your servers becoming a falseticker and still being
>>> accepted as the system server by a client, the client needs at least
>>> four servers.
>>> Remember that a "vote" is not for a single offset, it is for a single
>>> offset plus or minus the error, which in our case is the dispersion. Be
>>> definition a truechimer is a server whose range of offset-disp to
>>> offset+disp includes the actual time, while a falseticker is a server
>>> whose range does not include the actual time. Now suppose you have three
>>> servers, two truechimers and one falseticker, call them T1, T2 and F.
>>> The actual time is a bit above the T1 offset, meaning it is in the
>>> interval between T1off and T1off+T1disp. The actual time is also in the
>>> interval T2off-T2disp and T2off, which is to say that they both overlap
>>> with the real time but neither overlaps the other's offset.
>>> Now imagine that the falseticker has a similar overlap with T1, but on
>>> the interval T1off-T1disp to T1off. That interval does not include the
>>> real time, so F is indeed a falseticker. So, we have a completely
>>> symmetric situation, with T1 and F "voting" for an interval that does
>>> not include the real time and T1 and T2 "voting" for an interval that
>>> does include the real time. By what mechanism are we to presume that the
>>> client will choose the interval that includes the real time?
>> No. A false ticker is NOT something whose range does not overlap the true 
>> time.
> I stand by my definition of a falseticker. It is the *detection* of a 
> falseticker that you are describing. Indeed it is a hard problem if you 
> do not know what the true time is, which is the case for all NTP 
> servers. But my definition fits what it is that the server is trying to 
> detect.

That may be your definition of a falseticker. It is not that of ntpd,
which cannot know what the true time is, and yet the docs talks all over
the place about falsetickers and how ntpd does not use them. 

>> In your example, if T1 and T2 are in one island, and F1 and F2 are in
>> another, what waydoes the system have of determining which is the true
>> time?
>> And in your case if T3 has exactly the same time and dispersion as T1,
>> how does the system decide?
> My example didn't have a F1 and F2, only an F, but I think you are 
> saying exactly the same thing that I said. The system has no way to 
> decide and is as likely to get it wrong as right.

Agreed that you did not have an F1 and F2. that was my postulate, just
as T3 was my postulate. Ie, having 4 sources does not mean that the
system can decide properly. Nor does having 100001 sources. (at that
point the problem of getting many of the sources all depending on single
other sources becomes a problem.) There is no way of gauranteeing
anything, no matter what the number of sources is. 

One source is fine, unless it either dies or goes nuts. 
Two are fine, unless on goes nuts. 
Three are fine, as long as only one dies or goes nuts.
Four are fine, as long as fewer than three die, or one goes nuts, or two
go nuts in different ways.  Etc. You understand the limitations and you
makes your choices. 

> Brian Utterback

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