On Aug 2, 2015, at 2:31 AM, Mike Cook <michael.c...@sfr.fr> wrote:
>  Can anyone confirm that this is an issue?
> I habitually put an burst directive in my ntp.conf server statements. ex:
>  server noselect iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 6  
>  server noselect iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 6  
>  server noselect iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 6  
> But in the case of these NIST servers, sometimes they never get out of INIT 
> state.

iburst isn't usually a problem, but minpoll 4 / maxpoll 6 would be
considered abusive without prior arrangements.  minpoll 6 is the fastest
rate you should query other NTP servers without explicit permission.

To be more specific, folks who implement per-client firewall rate rules
tend to block clients who exceed ~100 packets per hour.

The main point of iburst is to quickly get a downed NTP server back up
and serving valid time.  That matters most for isolated stratum-2+
servers; if you've already got S1 timesources available and multiple
redundant NTP servers locally, using iburst is superfluous.

Sure, use iburst on one remote server entry if you want and/or against
all of the other NTP peers on your local subnet, but it's not obviously
helpful to use iburst everywhere.


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