On 2017-02-01, sean <s...@sean.eternal-september.org> wrote:
> On 2017-01-30, William Unruh <un...@invalid.ca> wrote:
>> You do not say which OS you use. Windows (which version?), Mac, linux,
>> BSD?
> Primarily FreeBSD and OpenBSD, but also Linux. Knowning that, what's
> that mean in terms of a ntp client?

IIRC openntpd runs on all these systems, but reference clocks are
supported only on OpenBSD. chrony supports FreeBSD and Linux (both with
refclocks), but not OpenBSD. ntpd supports everything.

>> chrony does not work on windows. ntpd is what what tends to ship with
>> linux distros. chrony gives better time discipline but has a smaller
>> user group. 
> Well if I use Chrony with a GPS unit on something like a raspberry pi,
> would I be able to be apart of the NTP pool or is it limited to NTPD
> users only?

Yes, you can do that. The pool project page recommends ntpd, but it's
not a requirement. There are quite a few openntpd and chrony servers in
the pool, including a couple of my own.

Miroslav Lichvar

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