> By the way, the code I am writing is not part of a NTP algorithm to adjust a
> system clock for time.  It is for a one-time frequency calibration of an
> oscillator.  I take a time snapshot at the beginning and at the end of an
> approximately six hour period during which I am counting cycles from the
> oscillator in question.  I hope to achieve a frequency accuracy of 5 PPM.
> Once that measurement is made, I store it for subsequent use in my app.
> Unless the hardware changes, there is no need to do the calibration again. 

Why bother with all the packets.  Isn't your PC's clock good enough?

5 PPM over 6 hours is 0.108 seconds.  Unless you have a crappy network 
connection, ntpd should keep your clock within a few 10s of ms.  If we assume 
25 ms measurement error at both start and stop, you only need 3 hours.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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