On 2020-06-05, a...@avtodoria.ru <a...@avtodoria.ru> wrote:
>> This sounds more like bit errors in serial reception.
>> ( i.e errors coming up in all magnitudes.)
>> That is reception via NMEA?
>> do you check the NMEA checksum ( Portion after * afair)?
> Thank you for response. Yes, that is reception via NMEA. No i didn't check 
> checksum, i think gpsd should check it, am i wrong?
> I just write to log data from SHM when it's all OK. And try to use this 
> correct log after some time to make ntpd change the time. If you think i do 
> something not correct please tell me, i'll try to do something else

You are tracking the wrong problem. The problem is NOT ntpd. The problem
is the time you are getting from gps/gpsd/shm. That is where you should
be looking, not ntpd. ntd has been used for about 40 years now. It
works. Similarly gpsd. Your boss is telling you to fix something that is
not broken, wasting whatever salary they are paying you. Do they really
have solittle for you to do that is useful?
You have not told us what operating system you are using. Or anything
about your systems, except some are old (3mo?, 3yr? 10 yr? 30 yr?)

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