
I got contacted by the Ecosia search engine a few days ago:

They seem to get their results via Bing mostly (DuckDuckGo gets them
from Yahoo and in some regions Yandex/Bing) and apparently use (part
of) their ad income to plant trees:

I was asked whether I was interested in using it as a default search
engine for qutebrowser (instead of duckduckgo), and I'd get half of
the ad income generated by qutebrowser searches in return. They claim
this is about 2000 EUR per month for a partner of similar size -
though I'm currently asking for clarification as I'm not sure their
predictions about qutebrowser users are accurate ;)

I'd like to hear some more opinions about this - if there's really
some four-figure income associated with this I could probably continue
working part-time on qutebrowser after my study (i.e. in about three
years) which would be a nice thing and help qutebrowser a lot.

On the other hand, while Ecosia seems quite cool, it seems to lack
some functionality (like instant answers) compared to duckduckgo.

What do you think?


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