
> On my system links from drive.google.com open in qutebrowser as blank 
> pages.

Can you share details on your system (`qutebrowser -V`)? Google Drive works
here on Fedora, there must be something wrong (or outdated) with your system.


On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 08:53:20AM +0930, David Nebauer wrote:
> I'm sure this must have been raised before, but I can't find it in 
> github issues or by web googling.
> On my system links from drive.google.com open in qutebrowser as blank 
> pages. I've set up a key combination to manually spawn those links in 
> another browser. Can I, instead, set up qutebrowser to automatically 
> spawn links from a specified domain in another browser?
> David

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