I have the common problem of opening an editor for a text box and having
that fail.

*/usr/bin/alacritty '-e /usr/bin/nvim' /tmp/qutebrowser-editor-pc7oapv1  *is
the command that it's running but of course the single quotes around the -e
switch shouldn't be there, and alacritty errors out. However, if I remove
them from my config file which has *c.editor.command =
['usr/bin/alacritty', '-e /usr/bin/nvim/', '{}'] . * If I change it to
= ['usr/bin/alacritty', -e /usr/bin/nvim/, '{}']  *the config won't load

Anyone have an ideas, or have edit-text working with alacritty?

Bearcat M. Şándor
Feline Soul Studio LLC
Voice: 872.CAT.SOUL (872.228.7685)
Fax: 406.235.7070

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