Raymond, (& this is no offense to James) but IMO, its interface is
quite awkward. For example, in most midi programs, u can bring up an
event list editor, get a list of all events, & edit them. W/QWS, the
event list only goes by beat, u have to keep clicking to go to the
next 1, etc. U also have to right-click in order to edit the value(s)
u want. Then there's the note editor & control editor, etc., all of
which I'm used to being able to handle thru an event list. So, yes--I
could see where folks might find it slow or cumbersome or both,
especially if they were used to being able to do edits from a single

On 8/7/11, Raymond Grote <musicalm...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here's an interesting question. When I learned QWS, I didn't have anyone to
> help me out with it, just the setting up the keyboard part. And I had to
> learn most of the tools and functions myself. While I am a decent musician,
> I don't consider myself better than everyone. But QWS just came natural to
> me, a little more than I had expected. There are sighted people I know that
> know way more than I do, who use other programs which are not at all
> accessible. They have a whole workstation in front of them, and they can do
> way more than impport midi data and play it back, they can tweak pretty much
> every synth and effect peramitor there is. Whether they actually know the
> ins and outs of it I don't know, but it sure seems like they do.
> Now the question. I know people who are impressed with the work I do,
> contrary to my opinion, lol. but, they wanted to know how I did it, but
> they're sort of geared into something like I said above and I'm not sure
> exactly how to approach QWs. I initially said, "The manual's really good,
> you should understand it." I was under the impression that QWS's features
> were pretty familiar to any midi sequencer that knows what they're doing,
> and it would be ridiculously simple. But then an hour later they'd uninstall
> because it was either too complicated for them or too slow. I then realized
> that QWS and a DAW are pretty different, QWS is like Notepad, where it
> doesn't offer amazing functions with one clikc. You have to use the thirty
> or so tools that it provides you, in the way you want them, not go by some
> factory of presets already made for you and tweak it from there.
> So am I even partially right? Is QWS really complicated from that
> standpoint, or could it be lack of patience? We've all seen what Andre can
> do with it, I myself found it hard to believe that he used QWS at first
> since I'm nowhere near that level.
> Maybe some of you here have had similar experiences and can give more
> insight.

Blame the computer--why not? It can't defend itself & occasionally
might even be the culprit
Jackie McBride
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