Raymond, I find it easier to first select all tracks using the arrow
keys, then demarcate the part of the song I want to delete & delete it
that way.

In terms of your 2nd question, I'd select the part of the song I wanna
keep, copy it, start a new song, & paste it in. Again, remember to
select the tracks u want.

On 12/29/11, Raymond Grote <musicalm...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here are two questions which I'm sure were answered a million times before,
> but I don't remember how to do it the most efficient way.
> let's say I have a song that I want to delete a few measures of. Is the most
> efficient way to mark this section I want to delete, and go through each
> track, pressing control m and delete until I've gotten through all the
> tracks?
> Second question, let's say I want to isolate or remove everything but a
> section of a song. I assume I would mark the selection I want to keep, and
> do something with it. that something I don't really know.
> Can anyone put me on the right track?
> Thanks.

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