Michael Dondrup wrote:
> Kim Carter wrote:
>>I am looking for assistance with setting up R under Sun grid engine 6
>>(6.0-update7). I would like to set up transparent interactive access
>>to R using either a qlogin or qrsh solution. While it basically works
>>using either method, I reach the same sticking point.  There seems
>>to be an issue with signalling or something, as R works ok until a 
>>non-R command is typed in - eg "blah" - at which point the remote
>>session is terminated (note: i am using ssh as an rsh/rlogin replacement).
>>If anyone has any suggestions or can point me in the  right direction,
>>it would be greatly appreciated.
>>Kim Carter
>>R-devel@r-project.org mailing list
> Are you trying something like
> 'qrsh R' ? Then the reason might be a missing tty and R goes to 
> batch-mode, like:
> bagheera:~>qrsh tty
> not a tty
> but:
> bagheera:~>qrsh
> Last login: Fri Mar 24 14:02:47 from bagheera.CeBiTe
> morpheus:~> tty
> /dev/pts/3
> If you supply a command to qrsh, you will not have a terminal.
> I think there is no switch to force R into interactive mode,like for 
> example for 'bash -i'. I found: 
> http://www.r-project.org/nocvs/mail/r-help/2002/8927.html
> but have not checked if it still works.
> Maybe this helps
> Michael
> --
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I forgot to add a much simpler solution, so try (something like):

 >qrsh xterm -e R

you might have to adjust your $DISPLAY,
in particular, if you are using Sun ray-terminals or better: use the 
qxterm script (I think it comes wit sge 6, but not sure)

Dipl. Inform. Michael Dondrup
CeBiTec - http://www.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/~mdondrup

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