Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 9/14/2006 3:01 PM, Seth Falcon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can someone help me understand why
>>   substitute(function(a) a + 1, list(a=quote(foo)))
>> gives
>>   function(a) foo + 1
>> and not
>>   function(foo) foo + 1
>> The man page leads me to believe this is related to lazy evaluation of
>> function arguments, but I'm not getting the big picture.
> I think it's the same reason that this happens:
>  > substitute(c( a = 1, b = a), list(a = quote(foo)))
> c(a = 1, b = foo)
> The "a" in function(a) is the name of the arg, it's not the arg itself 

yes, but the logic seems to be broken. In Seth's case there seems to be 
no way to use substitute to globally change an argument and all 
instances throughout a function, which seems like a task that would be 

even here, I would have expected all instances of a to change, not some

> (which is missing).  Now a harder question to answer is why this happens:
>  > substitute(function(a=a) 1, list(a=quote(foo)))
> function(a = a) 1

   a bug for sure

> I would have expected to get "function(a = foo) 1".
> Duncan Murdoch
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