(I am not sure if this is a bug or a request for a more understandable 
warning, or possible something obvious I should be posting on r-help.)

I am trying to coerce an new class object to be a DBIConnection and it 
does not work the way I think it should:

R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27) ...
 > require("RMySQL") # or require("RSQLite")
Loading required package: RMySQL
Loading required package: DBI
[1] TRUE
 > m <- dbDriver("MySQL")  # or  m <- dbDriver("SQLite")
 > con <- dbConnect(m, dbname="test")
 > dbGetQuery(con, "create table zzz (
+    vintage     VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
+    alias       VARCHAR(20) default NULL,
+    Documentation     TEXT,
+    PRIMARY KEY (vintage)
+    );")
 > dbListTables(con)
  [1] "zzz"
 > setClass("TSconnection", representation(con="DBIConnection",
+    vintage = "logical",
+    panel   = "logical")
+    )
[1] "TSconnection"
 > setAs("TSconnection", "DBIConnection", def = function(from) [EMAIL 
 > setIs("TSconnection", "DBIConnection", coerce = function(x) [EMAIL 
Warning messages:
1: there is no automatic definition for as(object, "DBIConnection") <- 
value when object has class "TSconnection" and no 'replace' argument was 
supplied; replacement will be an error in: makeExtends(class1, class2, 
coerce, test, replace, by, classDef1 = classDef,
2: methods currently exist for coercing from "TSconnection" to 
"DBIConnection"; they will be replaced. in: 
..removePreviousCoerce(class1, class2, where, prevIs)

# (warning may be important, but I don't understand it)

 > setAs("TSconnection", "MySQLConnection", def = function(from) [EMAIL 
 > setIs("TSconnection", "MySQLConnection", coerce = function(x) [EMAIL 
Warning messages:
1: there is no automatic definition for as(object, "MySQLConnection") <- 
value when object has class "TSconnection" and no 'replace' argument was 
supplied; replacement will be an error in: makeExtends(class1, class2, 
coerce, test, replace, by, classDef1 = classDef,
2: methods currently exist for coercing from "TSconnection" to 
"MySQLConnection"; they will be replaced. in: 
..removePreviousCoerce(class1, class2, where, prevIs)

 > # or
 > # setAs("TSconnection", "SQLiteConnection", def = function(from) 
 > # setIs("TSconnection", "SQLiteConnection", coerce = function(x) [EMAIL 

 > Tcon <- new("TSconnection", con=dbConnect(m, dbname="test"), 
vintage=FALSE, panel=FALSE)
 > is(Tcon, "DBIConnection")
[1] TRUE
 > is(Tcon, "MySQLConnection")
[1] TRUE
 > # or is(Tcon, "SQLiteConnection")

 > # This fails but I think it should work
 > dbListTables(Tcon)
Error in slot(from, "Id") : no slot of name "Id" for this object of 
class "TSconnection"

#these all work
 > dbListTables([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  [1] "zzz"
 > dbListTables(as(Tcon, "MySQLConnection") )
  [1] "zzz"
 > dbListTables(as(Tcon, "DBIConnection") )
  [1] "zzz"

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Paul Gilbert

La version française suit le texte anglais.


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