Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> The Writing Extensions manual says to do an R CMD build for releases
> to CRAN.  That's what I have been doing and that does produce a .tar.gz
> file even though I get a message about hhc.exe.  Is that what I should 
> continue
> to do and ignore the message or should I be using one of the alternatives
> you mention to create a .tar.gz release file on Vista?

Well, to produce a tar.gz, it is not required to have hhc.exe. It might 
happen that vignettes are created and therefore the package is installed 
for this purpose (and hhc is used to produce some help pages - 
temporarily). When hhc is not found at that place, just ignore it, the 
resulting .tar.gz should really be fine.

Uwe Ligges

> On 9/16/07, Duncan Murdoch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 15/09/2007 10:27 PM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
>>> On Windows Vista hhc.exe is not available.  One can do this on an
>>> install:
>>> rcmd install --docs=normal myPackage
>>> to avoid the message about hhc.exe; however,
>>> "rcmd build" does not appear to support --docs=normal so one cannot
>>> do a build without getting a message about hhc.exe (although the build
>>> still proceeds).
>> Are you talking about "build --binary"?  I recommend using "install
>> --build" instead.  AFAIK a non-binary build doesn't make any use of hhc.
>> Another way to do an install or build without getting that message is to
>> indicate in src/gnuwin32/MkRules that you don't want to build CHM help.
>> Duncan Murdoch
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