Hello Duncan,

thank you very much for your prompt reply. When I interpret your answer
correctly there seems to be no alternative than either:

A) using lots of (possibly private) functions in the package or,
B) define dummies for all functions which are in such lists or,
C) ignore the NOTE, knowing that it is spurious (BTW: there are several
prominent packages on CRAN with unresolved NOTEs).

The problem with A is, that it is my intention to have different
versions of particular functions which should be organized as consistent
sets. On the other hand, version B) is similarly inelegant as it
requires lots of "obsolete code". I already had this idea but found it
awkward because it would look more like Pascal where one has separate
interface and implementation.

Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 1/21/2008 8:30 AM, Thomas Petzoldt wrote:
>> Hello,
>> first of all, thanks to LT for \pkg{codeutils}. I agree that it is
>> indeed very useful to identify errors and also to encourage re-thinking
>> past solutions. My problem:
>> I want to compare different sets of related sub-functions which should
>> be used alternatively by the same top-level function. Sets of related
>> functions should be bound together (as lists) and the workspace should
>> be as clean as possible.
>> Finally, these functions are to be called by top-level functions that
>> work with such sets.
>> What's the best way to do this?
>> - clutter the workspace with lots of functions?
>> OR:
>> - ignore "notes about possible problems"
>> OR:
>> - a third way?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Thomas P.

>> An example:
>> flistA <- list(
>>    foo = function() {
>>     1:10
>>    },
>>    bar = function() {
>>      log(foo())
>>    }
>> )

[... main part of the example deleted, see original posting (TP)]

>> m2()
>> # Error in bar() : could not find function "foo"
> That's because the environment of bar was the evaluation frame in effect 
> at the time it was created, and foo wasn't in that.  bar looks in its 
> environment for non-local bindings.

Yes, of course. It simply shows that one can use non-nested functions
but not interdependend functions without using attach or environment

> Gabor's function edits the environment.

Yes, that's the intention and it works for me, but several people call
it strange ;-)

>> m3()
>> # works, but even in that case we get problems
>> # if we do this in a package:
>> # * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
>> # bar: no visible global function definition for 'foo'
> This is a spurious error:  codetools can't follow the strange stuff 
> you're doing.

It is understandingly, that codetools cannot detect this. What about a
mechanism (e.g. a declaration in the NAMESPACE) where one can state that
one knows about this.

> I'd say the best approach would be to use lots of little functions, and 
> a namespace to hide them.  Then codetools will be happy.  For example,
> Afoo <- function() {
>      1:10
> }
> Abar <-function() {
>       log(Afoo())
> }
> fListA <- list(foo = Afoo, bar = Abar)

Yes, that's version A) after my nomencature.

> This won't allow global references to foo or bar to escape the watchful 
> eye of codetools; if you want those, you'd do something like
> foo <- function() stop("foo not initialized")
> bar <- function() stop("bar not initialized")

Yes, seems like an approach using dummy functions.

> and later have
> foo <- makefun1(fListA)
> bar <- makefun2(fListA)

... but I don't understand yet why you do it this way. In my example foo
and bar are the "sub-functions" but makefun would return the toplevel

> Duncan Murdoch

Nevertheless, thanks a lot for your assistance. I'm still a little bit
optimistic that there may be a general alternative and I should tolerate
C) (notes of codetools) a little time, but (if there is no alterative)
use a combination between solution A) (default functions) or B) (dummies).

Thomas P.

Thomas Petzoldt
Technische Universitaet Dresden
Institut fuer Hydrobiologie
01062 Dresden

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