Dear R-devel list members,

For several years, I've maintained for my private use and for demonstrations
a set of functions [e.g., for indexing, with(), summary(), etc.] that employ
the RODBC package and a database to provide a "pseudo" data frame. Row
"indexes" can be specified as SQL queries. I know that the idea isn't
original, and I haven't done anything with these functions because I
expected that others would develop something better, but as near as I can
tell that hasn't happened yet. 

I wonder (1) whether there's sufficient interest to warrant building these
functions into a package, and (2) whether people with more knowledge of SQL
databases would be interested in improving and adding to what I've done. 

The functions can be found at
I've tested them (at various times) only with PostgreSQL, MySQL, and
MS/Access under Windows, but I don't see why they shouldn't work generally.


John Fox, Professor
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4

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