On 6/3/2008 11:22 AM, S Ellison wrote:
Plaintive squeak: Why the change?
Some OS's and desktops use the extension, so forgetting it causes
trouble. The new default filename keeps a filetype (as before) but the
user now has to type a filetype twice (once as the type, once as
extension) to get the same effect fo rtheir own filenames. And the
extension isn't then checked for consistency with valid file types, so
it can be mistyped and saved with no warning. Hard to see the advantage
of doing away with it...

Suggestion: Revert to the previous default (extension as type) and
include an 'extension' in the parameter list so that folk who don't want
it can change it and folk who did want it get it automatically.

The code would then look something like savePlot<-function (filename = "Rplot", type = c("wmf", "emf", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "tif",
"tiff", "ps", "eps", "pdf"),
device = dev.cur(), restoreConsole = TRUE,
        extension)   #Added extension
    type <- match.arg(type)
if(missing(extension)) extension <- type ##added
    devlist <- dev.list()
    devcur <- match(device, devlist, NA)
if (is.na(devcur)) stop("no such device")
    devname <- names(devlist)[devcur]
if (devname != "windows") stop("can only copy from 'windows' devices") if (filename == "clipboard" && type == "wmf") filename <- ""
        fullname <- paste(filename, extension,
sep=ifelse(extension=="","",".") )  ##added
    invisible(.External(CsavePlot, device, fullname, type,
restoreConsole))            ##Modded

Steve E

PS Yes, I took a while to upgrade from 2.6.x. Otherwise I'd have
squeaked the day I upgraded - like I just did - 'cos I use savePlot a

Another way to avoid surprises like this is to pay attention to the daily announcements of changes. This one was announced back in February:


Personally, I would have chosen to add an extension if the name contained no dot, but I didn't make this change, and don't really see a problem with it. However, if you want to submit a patch that does this (including changes to src/library/grDevices/R/windows/windows.R, src/library/grDevices/man/windows/savePlot.Rd, and to src/gnuwin32/CHANGES) before Friday, I'll commit it.

Duncan Murdoch

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