There is a bug in the standard version of [.data.frame;
it mixes up handling duplicates and NAs when subscripting rows.
  x <- data.frame(x=1:3, y=2:4, row.names=c("a","b","NA"))
  y <- x[c(2:3, NA),]
It creates a data frame with duplicate rows, but won't print.

In the previous message I included a version of [.data.frame;
it fails for the same example, for a different reason.  Here
is a fix.

"" <-
function (x, i, j,
          drop = if (missing(i)) TRUE else length(cols) == 1)
  # This version of [.data.frame avoid wasting time enforcing unique
  # row names if possible.
  mdrop <- missing(drop)
  Narg <- nargs() - (!mdrop)
  if (Narg < 3) {
    if (!mdrop)
      warning("drop argument will be ignored")
    if (missing(i))
    if (is.matrix(i))
    y <- NextMethod("[")
    cols <- names(y)
    if (!is.null(cols) && any(
      stop("undefined columns selected")
    if (any(duplicated(cols)))
      names(y) <- make.unique(cols)
    return(structure(y, class = oldClass(x),
                     row.names = .row_names_info(x, 0L)))
  if (missing(i)) {
    if (missing(j) && drop && length(x) == 1L)
      return(.subset2(x, 1L))
    y <- if (missing(j))
    else .subset(x, j)
    if (drop && length(y) == 1L)
      return(.subset2(y, 1L))
    cols <- names(y)
    if (any(
      stop("undefined columns selected")
    if (any(duplicated(cols)))
      names(y) <- make.unique(cols)
    nrow <- .row_names_info(x, 2L)
    if (drop && !mdrop && nrow == 1L)
      return(structure(y, class = NULL, row.names = NULL))
    else return(structure(y, class = oldClass(x),
                          row.names = .row_names_info(x, 0L)))
  xx <- x
  cols <- names(xx)
  x <- vector("list", length(x))
  x <- .Call("R_copyDFattr", xx, x, PACKAGE = "base")
  oldClass(x) <- attr(x, "row.names") <- NULL
  # Do not want to check for duplicates if don't need to
  noDuplicateRowNames <- (is.logical(i) ||
                          (!is.null(attr(x, "dup.row.names"))) ||
                          (is.numeric(i) && min(i, 0, na.rm=TRUE) < 0) ||
                          (!anyMissing(i) && !notSorted(i, strict = TRUE)))
  if (!missing(j)) {
    x <- x[j]
    cols <- names(x)
    if (drop && length(x) == 1L) {
      if (is.character(i)) {
        rows <- attr(xx, "row.names")
        i <- pmatch(i, rows, duplicates.ok = TRUE)
      xj <- .subset2(.subset(xx, j), 1L)
      return(if (length(dim(xj)) != 2L) xj[i] else xj[i,
                         , drop = FALSE])
    if (any(
      stop("undefined columns selected")
    nxx <- structure(seq_along(xx), names = names(xx))
    sxx <- match(nxx[j], seq_along(xx))
  else sxx <- seq_along(x)
  rows <- NULL
  if (is.character(i)) {
    rows <- attr(xx, "row.names")
    i <- pmatch(i, rows, duplicates.ok = TRUE)
  for (j in seq_along(x)) {
    xj <- xx[[sxx[j]]]
    x[[j]] <- if (length(dim(xj)) != 2L)
    else xj[i, , drop = FALSE]
  if (drop) {
    n <- length(x)
    if (n == 1L)
    if (n > 1L) {
      xj <- x[[1L]]
      nrow <- if (length(dim(xj)) == 2L)
      else length(xj)
      drop <- !mdrop && nrow == 1L
    else drop <- FALSE
  if (!drop) {
    if (is.null(rows))
      rows <- attr(xx, "row.names")
    rows <- rows[i]
      rows[] <- "NA"
    if(!noDuplicateRowNames && any(duplicated(rows)))
        rows <- make.unique(as.character(rows))
    if (any(duplicated(nm <- names(x))))
      names(x) <- make.unique(nm)
    if (is.null(rows))
      rows <- attr(xx, "row.names")[i]
    attr(x, "row.names") <- rows
    oldClass(x) <- oldClass(xx)

# That requires anyMissing from the splus2R package,
# plus notSorted (or a version of is.unsorted with argument 'strict' added).

notSorted <- function(x, decreasing = FALSE, strict = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE){
  # return TRUE if x is not sorted
  # If decreasing=FALSE, check for sort in increasing order
  # If strict=TRUE, ties correspond to not being sorted
  n <- length(x)
  if(length(n) < 2)
  if(!is.atomic(x) || (!na.rm && any(
  if(na.rm && any(ii <-
    x <- x[!ii]
            any(x[-1] >= x[-n]),
            any(x[-1] >  x[-n]))
  } else { # check for sort in increasing order
            any(x[-1] <= x[-n]),
            any(x[-1] <  x[-n]))

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:20 AM, Tim Hesterberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Below is a version of [.data.frame that is faster
> for subscripting rows of large data frames; it avoids calling
>     duplicated(rows)
> if there is no need to check for duplicate row names, when:
>     i is logical
>     attr(x, "dup.row.names") is not NULL (S+ compatibility)
>     i is numeric and negative
>     i is strictly increasing

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