Rense Nieuwenhuis wrote:
Deal all,

new as I am to developing packages for R-Project, I apologize on beforehand for questions that are too obvious. I am trying to 'add' a PDF document containing some detailed information to a package.

The way I understand the Rexts.pdf document, I should add my .PDF document to the /inst/doc/ folder, and links to the files should be build automatically. However, after building it on MacOSX (10.4) using 'R CMD build' and checking it using 'R CMD check', no links seems to be present. All checks are OK, but no vignette or whatever appears in the help-files of the package.

Clearly, I'm missing something. I would really appreciate some pointers on how to integrate an 'additional' pdf file to my package.

Thanks in advance,

Rense Nieuwenhuis

Hi Rense

This is probably not the prettiest solution, and I'd be curious about better ones from people on this list, but here's one possibility:

1.) Put your PDF file foo.pdf into the inst/pdfs folder of your package.

2.) Create a file foo.Rnw with following content in inst/doc

%\VignetteIndexEntry{The Foo Bar}

3.) Create a Makefile in inst/doc, with contents like:

all: foo bar

bar: bar.tex
        pdflatex bar
        pdflatex bar

foo: foo.tex
        cp -p ../pdfs/foo.pdf .


Wolfgang Huber, EMBL-EBI,

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